
iGA Istanbul Airport ‘Levels Up in Carbon Emissions Certificate’

iGA Istanbul Airport has raised its ‘Carbon Emission’ Certificate to Level 3 within the scope of the Airport Carbon Accreditation, granted by the Airports Council International Europe.

Having strengthened its position as one of the most important global hub airports in this region, with its location, infrastructure, technology, and the high level of passenger experience it offers, iGA Istanbul Airport (IST) has achieved great success by raising the ‘Carbon Emission’ Certificate to Level 3 within the scope of the Airport Carbon Accreditation, granted by the Airports Council International Europe (ACI Europe).

As a result of its efforts to manage and reduce its carbon footprint as part of its environmental and sustainability programme, iGA Istanbul Airport has been awarded this international certificate within the scope of the Airport Carbon Accreditation by the ACI Europe for its success in raising the Level One Carbon Emission Certificate to Level Three in a short period of time.

Fulfilling its obligations under the Airport Carbon Accreditation Programme initiated by the International Airports Council in 2009, iGA Istanbul Airport has included its scope 3 emissions with its stakeholders in the airport ecosystem in its Level 3 carbon management activities.

İGA Istanbul Airport boosts its efforts to combat climate change

At Istanbul Airport, where sustainability is at the heart of every operation, works carried out in line with its sustainability policy from the design to the building phase, and from the building phase to the operation processes stand out. The effectiveness and the value of sustainability activities are shared with the entire industry and the public through internationally accepted sustainability platforms.

Being the institutionally approved sole global carbon management certification programme for airports, the ACI Carbon Accreditation Programme stands out as an important indicator in carbon management. The effectiveness of the activities carried out at iGA Istanbul Airport in combating climate change, considered one of the most important ESG risks today, is expressed at an international and high level through this certification process. Accordingly, iGA Istanbul Airport which adds scope 1 and 2 emissions reported every year, and scope 3 emissions where stakeholder management activities take place, was entitled to receive the ACA Level 3 certificate. For that matter, all activities taking place at iGA Istanbul Airport, from transportation of the guests to the airport to flight operations, are included in the carbon footprint reports through a life-cycle perspective.

Carbon footprint management continues effectively

Within the scope of studies completed to reduce carbon emissions, İGA Istanbul Airport has identified the greenhouse gas sources and calculation methodologies were determined. Since its opening, the airport has monitored all energy consumption data and assessed greenhouse gas emissions.

Aiming to reduce carbon emissions, İGA Istanbul Airport continues to meet the requirements of ISO 14064:2018 Greenhouse Gas Calculation and Verification Management System Standard and Airport Carbon Accreditation program in order to calculate and report greenhouse gas emissions. İGA Istanbul Airport plans to implement ISO 14064:2018 Greenhouse Gases and ACA LEVEL 4 certifications in the next two years.

Thanks to the Greenhouse Gas Management System which works in integration with the ISO 50001 Energy Management System, greenhouse gas emission sources were determined effectively and improvement activities were carried out on important energy consuming points.

In order to reduce carbon emissions at İGA Istanbul Airport, remote monitoring and control using IoT (Internet of Things) Technology, monitoring of energy consumption using energy efficiency analysis system software, management of energy from one centre, mechanical automation system applications, and efficient winter cooling practices, actions were taken to reduce carbon emissions, and stakeholder management activities and training programmes, and awareness-raising programmes have been carried out for all airport employees.

Reaching the future by being sustainable

Commenting on the efforts to reduce carbon emissions at Istanbul Airport İGA Istanbul Airport CEO, Kadri Samsunlu said: “I stated that I had no doubt that we would also receive the second, third, and fourth level certificates when we were awarded the Level One Carbon Emissions Certificate. I am extremely happy that we have achieved significant progress by reaching Level 3 in a short period of time. By focusing on human life, respect for the environment and society, we continue to improve our sustainability activities. While we offer more efficient solutions for today’s needs, we are also developing approaches that prioritise the sustainability of resources by considering the needs of our industry, our stakeholders and the environment and future generations. These approaches are certified through international organisations. At iGA, we are determined to minimise our impact on climate by reducing our carbon footprint at Istanbul Airport. Our aim is to create sustainable model airports and model cities that can transform waste by creating an exemplary model for future generations. Sustainability will always be in our focus, providing a self-sufficient continuity for the world and the environment.

Achieving not just one, but two levels in the ACA is a great success

Olivier Jankovec, Director General of ACI EUROPE commented: “Since the opening of Istanbul Airport, İGA has achieved great success every day in terms of service quality and operational performance. As can be clearly seen by its current achievements, it is clear that environmental commitments are a core focus for this Turkish hub as they strive for excellence. Especially during a period when we have just begun to get over the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, improving by not just one, but two levels in the Airport Carbon Accreditation is a remarkable achievement that requires determination and investment for the airport. I’d like to congratulate the İGA Istanbul Airport team on their third Level ‘Optimisation’ accomplishments, which demonstrate that they have significantly reduced ‘Airport controlled CO2’ emissions while also empowering their operational stakeholders to do their part. It was explained that this wide-ranging area of responsibility is an important step towards achieving the 2050 Net Zero Carbon Emissions target, which was established under the leadership of ACI Europe and covers several industries.”

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