
ACI World develops tools to help passengers travel with confidence

Posted: 1 October 2020 | | 1 comment

Airports Council International (ACI) World has launched a set of tools which provide passengers with information about the health measures in place at airports around the world.

COVID-19 guidance

Launched by Airports Council International (ACI) World, the set of tools ensures passengers can see what measures they can expect when departing, arriving or transiting through airports.

Over 200 airports, representing nearly half of the world’s air traffic, have already provided their information. Passengers and partners can view what facilities are available and what health measures are in place before they commence their journey.

The tools featured on the new website include:

For passengers:

  • A mobile app called “Check & Fly” is designed to be a passenger assistant throughout the journey by providing health measures at airports
  • passenger-facing web page where passengers can look up their departure and arrival airports.

For airports:

  • A web portal that allows airports to make updates to their data
  • A mobile app, “Airport Check” provides statistics to airports based on the measures implemented globally – these statistics can help airports plan their processes and measures, using industry intelligence.

For application and web developers:

ACI World Director General, Luis Felipe de Oliveira, said: “Developing and providing tools like those on the Airport Health Measures website, equip travellers with information that enables them to make travel plans with confidence. This is key to the recovery of air travel. ACI is supporting airports with tools and programmes like Airport Health Measures and Airport Health Accreditation to help them demonstrate to passengers, regulators, and governments that they are prioritising health and safety in a measurable, established manner.”

Ian Law, CIO at SFO and Chair of the ACI ACRIS Working Group, added: “The ACI Airport Health Measures initiative exemplifies the power of game-changing, cross-industry technology collaborations. I am proud of the airports and business partners that rose to the challenge in these extraordinary times.”

One response to “ACI World develops tools to help passengers travel with confidence”

  1. Leonardo Galotera says:

    This is very timely development. In this pandemic, technology plays a vital role in advancing the aviation industry while keeping people safe.

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