
Whitepaper: Accurate Passenger Journey Measurement – Why it pays to measure (and how to get your CFO interested)

Why measure the flow of people?

For consumers, their experiences with airports and other transport hubs are often synonymous with waiting. All too often, retail time is eaten away by the dreaded winding queues that have become part and parcel with travel – to the frustration of consumers and management alike. 

While the rest of the customer-centric service world clambers to secure the happiness of their guests through seamless and rewarding experiences, transport hubs seem to be stuck in the dark ages. The benefits associated with a happy customer are clear: efficient flow through check in, security or ticket stands leads to increased dwell time in retail areas and food courts. Research has shown people spend up to 45 per cent more time in these areas when they’re happy and unhurried (Newhouse, 2015).

Key points covered in this whitepaper:

  • How can airports and other transport hubs drive commercial benefit and achieve operational excellence from measuring journeys
  • While there are several different journey measurement options, not all of these are accurate or suitable for all transport hub environments
  • Facial recognition comes out on top as the most effective method of measuring passenger flow, providing airports with the power of accurate information for planning and efficient operations.

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