
Electric car services runs from Gatwick supporting carbon neutral status

Gatwick’s carbon neutral status will be reinforced by their most recent partnership with Bluecity car rental, an electric car-sharing scheme, similar to Santander Cycles in the capital.

Gatwick Airport has brought in a ride-sharing scheme allowing passengers to pick up an electric car from the terminal and return it to any of 300 points across London, or visa versa.

The airport has joined a partnership with Bluecity, a London-based ride sharing firm which uses 100 per cent electric vehicles. The initiative is the first of its kind for any airport in the UK.

Gatwick Airport’s Chief Commercial Officer Guy Stephenson said: “Gatwick leads the way on airport innovation and this UK airport first not only offers a new, flexible option for getting on and off the airport, it also improves air quality.

“When it comes to electric car sharing schemes, few companies have experienced the success of Bluecity and its parent company. Given the popular demand for similar electric car sharing services in other parts of the world, this new service has the potential to take off in the UK and we are proud to be at the forefront of this transport revolution.”

The partnership with Bluecity allows passengers to across London to use the electric vehicle car sharing service with 100 cars currently available to hire.

In a scheme similar to that of bike schemes across the capital, ten cars and charging points are currently available on Gatwick’s South Terminal forecourt. This is the first airport hub for Bluecity and the opportunity to expand this scheme is already under discussion.

Local residents have also been encouraged to use the service, while Gatwick staff have also been offered the opportunity to trial the service for free. 

Gatwick has said a journey in moderate traffic in central London, in a four-seat car expected to cost £15. 

Bluecity car can be picked up in the City and dropped off in the airport with no obligation of returning it to the origin of the journey. 

Bluecity’s Managing Director Christophe Arnaud said: “We are particularly proud of this milestone agreement with Gatwick Airport and look forward to our collaboration for years to come. We believe this new service is a fantastic solution for travellers. Our cars are powered exclusively with 100% renewable energy making the service the greenest and most affordable transport option to and from central London.”

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