
Envisioning the future of air transportation: A smarter future for airports

Find out from our Editor why you cannot afford to miss out on this summit.

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will award $2.89 billion made available by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to 3,075 airports around the nation. The money can be invested in runways, taxiways, safety, and sustainability projects, as well as terminal, airport to transit connections and roadway projects.

This generation-defining bill will be discussed in-depth during a keynote session at International Airport Review’s upcoming summit ‘Envisioning the future of air transportation: A smarter future for airports’.

Register to listen to the experts from ACI-North America discuss this funding and what it means for airports in the U.S. This event is a must-attend for all U.S. airports, but also for the wider community who are interested in learning from the airports leading in these areas.

It is FREE to register for your VIP pass if you are from an airport, association, government or regulatory body.

Register NOW

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