
How to streamline operational processes and excel in customer experience: The “Aeroporti di Roma” success story

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19 September 2019

Supported by:

19 September 2019


Active engagement with passengers and collaboration with all the various players present in the airport ecosystem can secure business operativity and increase profitability in the years to come, whilst providing a greater passenger satisfaction.

Airports generate a lot of data – from passengers departing, arriving and in transit; airport operations devices and systems; airline companies; travel platforms; transportation systems; and retailers.

Typically, only a small subset of this data is used – but the potential of correlating all data opens up possibilities from operational efficiency improve the airport services quality. Nevertheless to deliver innovative, efficient and high-quality services across the entire airport ecosystem, airports need a unified strategy that includes digitised processes.

Airport operators are racing to digitalise themselves and their ecosystem partners to effectively create insights, automate, optimise and monetise their situational awareness and real-time insight-to-action capabilities… and in the quickest possible time.

This webinar gives you a full overview of how TIBCO Software helped accelerate airport operators around the world and how “Aeroporti di Roma” has started the journey to become the smart airport of the future.

Key Learning Points


  • How to learn from passengers to shape your airport
  • Understand from airside KPIs how efficient your airport is
  • Increase the throughput of planes, passengers and baggage and ability to meet target KPIs
  • Increase passenger satisfaction and experience
  • Leveraging on real-time analytics to prove value in the fastest possible time.

Keynote Speakers


Pietro Caminiti, Head of IT Department, Aeroporti di Roma Spa

Pietro Caminiti is responsible for all the IT services for Aeroporti di Roma and its group companies, ensuring effective and efficient implementation processes; transforming the IT organisation into a business enabler. He actively contributes to the definition of the Group strategy, ensures customer-oriented simplification, identifies all stakeholders and supports the key strategic initiatives with particular focus on innovation. He manages the quality of delivery, focusing on continuous improvement and supports IT operations to deliver the IT operational KPIs and ensure service continuity on customer front-end applications.

Alessandro Chimera, Global Solution Consultant & Technology Evangelist, TIBCO Software Inc

Alessandro Chimera is an Industry Consultant and a Technology Evangelist at TIBCO Software, where he works actively with customers to address their industry-specific requirements mostly on airports and manufacturing. Alessandro works with global companies in those industries to help them leverage the best technologies with the goal to succeed in their digital transformation. Alessandro is passionate about airports, IoT, Arduino, Raspberry PI and has a degree in Computer Science and a background as Electronic Engineer. 


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