
Olivier Jankovec, Director General of ACI EUROPE on his challenges for 2023

Posted: 3 February 2023 | | No comments yet

At the Airport Operators’ Association annual conference 2023 in London yesterday, International Airport Review caught up with Olivier Jankovec, Director General of ACI EUROPE for a very quick interview.


We asked Olivier Jankovec what is on his to-do list for 2023. Olivier replied that they are looking at operational resilience this summer and doing more advance planning so that we do not have such a hectic summer as last year.

Another item they are focusing on is the net zero agenda, they are busy following the work of European Commission and the ‘Fit for 55’ package which will lead the way forward for aviation in Europe to decarbonise. Olivier went on to say that “in Europe there are many sticks and not many carrots,” and this needs to change. ACI Europe is now busy working on the next level of the Airport Carbon Accreditation called the ‘net zero level’ which is very exciting – unfortunately he could not tell us exactly who was piloting this next level of the accreditation but watch this space!

Olivier went on to speak about what is keeping him awake at night which included the tendency from governments to curb growth and looking into demand management; increasing political and regulatory risk in Europe; and the prospect of another COVID variant.

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