
Belgrade Airport announces opening of new terminal area

The newly built area will elevate passenger experience by reducing processing wait times and offering more size and comfort.

Belgrade Airport

Belgrade Airport new and modernised terminal area. Credit: Belgrade Airport

VINCI Airport network member, Belgrade Airport, has announced the opening of a newly built central area of their terminal. The area expands more than 11,000mand is well connected to other terminal facilities. The modernised area will seek to elevate passenger experience by hastening the processing times of passengers, and offering travellers more size and comfort. 

There are two additional upgrades of the flow movement: 

  • New check-in counters 100 and 200 (201-212) are now placed on the ground floor of the newly built central section of the terminal
  • First security then passport control is as of now conducted on the first floor, prior to boarding.

The new central section is designed according to VINCI Airports standards in terms of design, materials, colour palettes, signage and information system, furniture and other elements. It also features VINCI Airports’ commitment to sense-of-place, with a large glass façade displaying airport name and decorated with traditional ornaments of the Pirot rug.

At this stage of the works, depending on departing flight, passengers have to check-in on the ground floor of the existing terminal at the counters (200-600) or in the newly built section (100 and 200), and then proceed to the first floor of this new central part where now they first undergo passport and then security control, which is another innovative approach in passenger movement technology.

In addition to these works, other major upgrades are moving forward in the area after the passport and security control to create a new duty-free area of almost 3,000 m2, and a large central square with a variety of new F&B and commercial facilities. Moreover, works on reconstructing and adapting over 16,000 m2 of the existing terminal section are also planned to be executed in the course of 2023.

These upgrades are part of VINCI Airports’ ambitious extension and modernisation project for Belgrade airport that is planned to amount €732 million over the whole concession period. The positive impact on passengers’ experience is already being recognised by the aviation industry, with Belgrade airport recognised this year among the best in Europe by size, the most dedicated staff and most enjoyable airport by Airport Council International.

The completion of all key works related to the concession project are expected to finish in the course of 2023, thus enabling Belgrade Airport to reach a total service capacity of 15 million passengers per year by the end of the concession period.

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