
Australian Airports Association appoints new Chief Executive Officer

James Goodwin has been appointed as Australian Airports Association’s new CEO and will commence operation in the role from June 2020.

Australian Airports Association appoints new Chief Executive Officer

Credit: Australian Airports Association - James Goodwin

The Australian Airports Association (AAA) has announced the appointment of its new Chief Executive Officer, James Goodwin. He will begin his duties in the new role from June 2020, replacing former CEO Caroline Wilkie.

Goodwin will move to AAA from the Australasian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP), where he has been the Chief Executive since 2015. Prior to joining ANCAP, he held the position of Director of Government Relations and Communications at the Australian Automobile Association.

Working with AAA will not be Goodwin’s introduction to the aviation industry – he has previously held a high-profile senior community and corporate affairs position at AirServices Australia, the Australian government agency providing air traffic management and fire-fighting services at airports.  

On the subject of his appointment, Goodwin said: “There’s no doubt that Australia’s airports drive our economy and connect communities across the country. We’ve already seen the benefits of airports’ capacity-building investment over the last 20 years, giving us better terminals, more choice and improved connection between our airports and the communities they serve. I’m looking forward to working with members as we prepare for new runways and landmark projects that will support the long-term growth of air travel. I understand the importance of good transport connections beyond our city centres and will ensure the focus is on supporting the sustainable development of our regional airports as they implement new CASA regulations this year.”

He continued: “There are some great examples of collaboration and partnership within the aviation industry and that focus is vitally important as we address the current challenges facing our industry. I look forward to working with airports, airlines, government and our industry partners to support our shared success.”

Goodwin will bring significant experience in public policy, advocacy and stakeholder engagement to the role and will work closely with representatives of the wider industry.

Tom Ganley, Australian Airports Association’s National Chairman, said: “We are delighted to welcome James to the AAA following strong interest in the role. He will bring a strong understanding of public policy and significant experience in the transport and infrastructure sector as we progress a busy agenda. James’ experience in the area of consumer advocacy will ensure the passenger remains at the heart of our work as we advance the key issues facing our industry. We look forward to James leading the AAA’s engagement with our airline partners as we work together at this important time for the aviation and tourism industries.”

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