
Issue 3’s In-Depth Focus on Operational Efficiency

Within this section of the magazine, we hear from three different organisations on how they look to achieve operational efficiency and increase productivity within their business.


Operational excellence is the foundation of an airport and is also key to rebuilding passenger confidence and business sustainability. In this In-Depth Focus, we hear about scaling operational efficiency at a rapidly growing transit hub; how an Airport Operational Status system is helping one airport to improve operational productivity and efficiency and how the air traffic management (ATM) industry is embracing best practice to achieve resilient and agile regional and global connectivity.

  • Building efficient and sustainable air traffic flow
    Air traffic flow management (ATFM) and collaborative decision making (CDM) are key drivers of efficient aviation. Balancing demand against capacity and increasing operational coordination, they are critical procedures for air navigation service providers (ANSPs), airlines and airports in delivering synchronised, seamless and sustainable air transport. Coleen Hawrysko, Operations Programme Manager at the Civil Air Navigation Services Organization (CANSO), explores how the air traffic management (ATM) industry is embracing best practice to achieve resilient and agile regional and global connectivity.
  • Using operational efficiency to develop a low-cost transit hub
    Sanjay Khanna, Chief Executive Officer at Ras Al Khaimah International Airport, shares insights on scaling operational efficiency at a rapidly growing transit hub in the northernmost Emirate of the United Arab Emirates.
  • Information shared is performance improved
    Timo Järvelä, Vice President of Passenger Experience and Processes for Helsinki Airport, explains how Finavia’s new Airport Operational Status System is helping them to improve operational productivity and efficiency.

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