
NEXTT Emerging Themes: Advanced Processing

Supported by:

1 November 2018

Supported by:

1 November 2018

Automating – what will the machines do?

The second in the NEXTT Emerging Themes series explored the opportunities and challenges of automation of on-ground processes for air travel. What can be automated, and what should be? In some cases machines can do a better job than humans, and in others, a human touch is critical. This webinar provided the opportunity to benefit from the experiences of others, helping to shape the NEXTT Vision.

There remains great potential to further improve customer experience, bring greater operational efficiency and increase safety and security with greater use of existing technology in the air travel journey on the ground. The opportunities for automation and robotics are numerous given the repetitive nature of many processes. Travel processes will be updated to use new technologies, reflecting and enhancing the way of our daily lives. This will create attractive experiences for all users, passengers and staff alike. This is not simply a matter of using new technology to optimise legacy processes but rethinking what actions are truly needed or desired.

Keynote Speakers


Brendan Sullivan, Head, Cargo Operations, IATA

Brendan leads the IATA Cargo group developing safe and efficient standards for Cargo Operations, Handling, Facilities, E-Commerce, Air Mail and ULDs.


Massimo Cicetti, Manager, Ground Ops Standards & Safety, IATA

Massimo is responsible for the development of the IATA Ground Operations Manual and IATA’s Ramp of the Future work.


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