
Dublin Airport installs automatic visual docking guidance system

The new automatic parking system will reduce delays through faster turn-arounds, while simultaneously heightening safety, as part of Eurocontrol’s Europe-wide initiative.

automatic visual docking guidance system

Dublin Airport is installing an automatic visual docking guidance system (AVDGS) on all aircraft contact parking stands.

AVDGS is an electronic display above aircraft parking stands which provides real-time information to pilots as they are parking aircraft on arrival or pushing back for departure.

The new system has an added safety feature with an infrared high-definition camera that scans the aircraft parking area for any possible objects that could affect the safety of the arriving or departing aircraft. This camera detects large objects on the ground like equipment or baggage, which may block the stand and cause knock-on delays.

This information means that airline baggage and ground handlers can get to the aircraft quicker to ensure faster aircraft turn-around thereby helping to reduce potential delays for the airline and its passengers. It also means that the aircraft and its support vehicles are not running engines unnecessarily, which in turn can help reduce carbon emissions from the airfield.

AVDGS also enhances the role of airline marshals who guide aircraft onto and off the parking stand. The marshal inputs key information such as the aircraft type and other flight data into the AVDGS, which automatically gauges aircraft clearances, stopping distances, and records the exact on and off stand times.

These recorded times feed directly into the Airport’s Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) system. A-CDM focuses on aircraft turnaround times and pre-departure sequencing processes to boost air traffic flow and operational efficiency of all airport operators by reducing delays and increasing the predictability of events.

It is a Europe-wide initiative under the guidance of EUROCONTROL, the European organisation for the safety of air navigation.

The smart AVDGS system is also equipped with a low visibility function allowing aircraft to park in extremely poor visibility conditions, such as mist and dense fog, thereby reducing the risk of delays in inclement weather conditions.

Dublin Airport Managing Director, Vincent Harrison, said: “AVDGS is another example of technology enhancing airport processes that deliver huge benefits for the airport, its airline customers and passengers. It is a tried and trusted system of improving airport safety and efficiencies and supports Dublin Airport’s continuing drive for sustainability.”

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