
Royalty swings by ‘favourite airport’ to open extension building

Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Rothesay took time out of her busy schedule to unveil the plaque on an upgrade to Scotland’s third largest airport


DUCHY TOUCHY: Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and Rothesay pats a child's head as she unveils plaque.

Aberdeen International Airport’s new extension building was officially opened on Wednesday by Camilla, Duchess of Rothesay, as she is known in Scotland.

HRH arrived at the North East transport hub to the sound of Aberdeen Airport employee, Karen Bain, playing ‘Scotland the Brave’ on the bagpipes. The Duchess was welcomed by Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Aberdeen, Margurita Esson, who then introduced HRH to Aberdeen International Airport Managing Director, Mrs. Carol Benzie.

Her Royal Highness, addressing the crowd of gathered guests, passengers and the public, said: “This is a beautiful part of the world and, I may be biased, but I’d say it is my favourite airport. The service is always fantastic for my family and friends. It is an enormous pleasure to be here and congratulations on all the hard work that has gone into the transformation.”

HRH The Duchess of Rothesay was taken on a guided tour of the international airport’s new extension facility by Ms. Benzie, greeting and meeting airport and industry staff along her route. The Duchess was, first, able to visit the brand new Northern Lights Executive Lounge. Within the Northern Lights Lounge HRH met with many notable shareholders, stakeholders, partners and associates of the airport including AGS Airports ltd. CEO, Amanda MacMillan and the locally famous ‘Kilted Chef’, Craig Wilson who endorsed the Northern Lights Executive Lounge’s menu.

HRH was then taken on a guided tour of the new international arrivals passenger journey where she was able to see the 50 per cent increased space and state-of-the-art facilities now available to passengers arriving into Aberdeen.

Following on from her guided tour of the new facilities housed within the airport’s new extension building, HRH The Duchess of Rothesay was invited by Carol Benzie to unveil a commemorative plaque and, in doing so, officially opened the new building for all AIA passengers.

Carol Benzie, Managing Director of Aberdeen International Airport said: “We are delighted and honoured to be able to welcome Her Royal Highness, The Duchess of Rothesay to officially open our new extension building here today. The completion of this extension marks the most significant milestone in our history since the current terminal building was opened back in 1976. This, the first phase of our transformative project, has so far been excellently received and we are confidently looking forward to the secondary and tertiary phases of our transformation. At completion, in 2019, the terminal transformation project will successfully deliver an international airport facility that all in the North East region and wider world can benefit from.”

The completion of the first phase of the airport’s transformation project, has allowed for the second phase of construction to get underway and this can now be seen within the terminal building. Those wishing to have a preview of these ongoing construction works need only visit the newly unveiled royal plaque and freshly dressed walls of the airport’s arrivals corridor, where the phase 2 construction site can be viewed through clear glass windows on new double doors. From summer 2018, this current construction site will house a larger and much improved central search security area and World Duty Free retail space. The third and final phase of the transformation project will bring a more spacious departure lounge as well as increased retail and catering offerings for passengers from 2019.

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