
Nice Côte d’Azur airport implements health protection plan

Preparing for the resumption of air traffic, France’s second-largest airport has deployed a range of actions to improve health protection in the terminals.

Health measures at Nice Cote airport

Nice Côte d’Azur airport, in a drive to protect both passengers and staff during COVID-19, has implemented many health and safety measures, including a robot that emits ultra-violet light to eliminate viruses.

Making active preparations for the gradual resumption of air traffic, all of the deployed measures in the airport infrastructure follow the recommendations of various health authorities (the French Council for Public Health and Ministry of Health) and form part of work under way with industry organisations (ACI Europe and the UAF union of French airports).

“In our worldwide analysis of the available options, our top priority has been to identify the best practices in order to offer the healthiest possible conditions to our passengers, our employees and everyone who works in our infrastructure,” stated Dominique Thillaud, Chairman of the Board of Aéroports de la Côte d’Azur.

The Group has turned to an automatic robot that emits virucidal ultra-violet light. After successful tests in the airport, the robot is to administer a shock treatment that destroys almost 100 per cent of bacteria and viruses present in the air and on treated surfaces.

Alongside this, disinfection agents will be deployed, in addition to the usual cleaning staff. Dressed in special clothing for the treatment of viruses, these agents will work with special virucidal surface disinfectants that have been in use since the appearance of COVID-19.

Hand sanitiser dispensers have been installed along the passenger route in the terminal and all toilet facilities are now equipped with air and surface purifiers. The system uses a unique and patented technology based on purifying ultra-violet radiation. The terminal ventilation networks will be upgraded with high-performance filtration of indoor air: The current quality of air treatment will be increased by 50 per cent by replacing the F7-type filter models with F9-type filters.

Nice Côte d’Azur Airport has also installed special markings to make sure that social distancing is respected when checking in, boarding and reclaiming luggage. The airport’s technical departments have designed made-to-measure Plexiglass partitions to protect airport staff, while continuing to assist and inform passengers.

Wearing masks will be compulsory for passengers, who can bring their own masks or receive one inside the terminal. Aéroports de la Côte d’Azur personnel who come into contact with passengers will also have to wear masks.

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