
Scanning the future advancements in screening technology

Screening procedures are intended to prevent prohibited items and threats from entering the secure area of the airport. However, as cyber-threats and malicious intentions evolve, so must the technologies that provide this protection.

In this Guide: 

  • Digital imperatives in airport security
    As technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics and blockchain increase not only the efficiency but accuracy of airport screening, Diogenis Papiomytis, Global Program Director – Commercial Aviation, Frost & Sullivan, explains how digital innovations are already having a powerful impact on airport screening, and why this needs to continue evolving.
  • Advancing the checkpoint environment
    The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) continues to experience record breaking travel volume, and as passenger loads continue to grow, TSA continuously seeks to improve security. Here, Austin Gould, TSA’s Assistant Administrator for Requirements and Capabilities Analysis, discusses how the organisation is looking for innovative ways to address the evolving transportation challenges of today – and prepare for the challenges of tomorrow.
  • Miami undergoes technological renovations Within a complex terminal renovation at Miami, new screening technologies have been installed to ensure passenger and luggage processing is not just efficient, but as safe as possible. Lester Sola, Miami-Dade Aviation Department Director and CEO, provides more information on the on-going developments.

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