
Uber secures safe airport surface access during COVID-19

Rob Mitchell, Global Business Development Lead for Airports at Uber Technologies, details how in response to the pandemic, procedures have been amended to increase health and safety standards during a passenger’s journey to the airport; setting the stage for the recovery of airports.

Uber secures door-to-door safety standards

More than six months since life changed immeasurably for virtually everyone across the globe, the impact on travel measured against any past crisis of the modern era is nothing short of staggering. As airports, cities and countries begin to reopen and start moving again, safety will continue to be a key priority in Uber’s decision making. Operating the largest ride-hailing network in over 600 airports and 63 countries, Uber has a responsibility to get people and goods moving again safely.

Actions focused on safety

Although we are a technology company, the nature of our business brings the digital and physical world together. We have on-the-ground operational staff in most of the cities, airports and markets where we operate, so we collaborated closely with experts and health authorities around the world, including the CDC in the United States and the World Health Organization.

We expanded a process supported by a global team, available 24/7, to support public health authorities in their response to the epidemic and to halt accounts of riders or drivers who may have been exposed to the virus.

We temporarily suspended our PIN dispatch system at airports (where it was previously launched), suspended UberPool (shared ride services) across all cities and UberCopter in New York City.

We also ramped up support to our community and cities, making financial commitments including:

  • Allocated $50 million to PPE for drivers and couriers
  • Purchased more than 25 million masks for drivers and couriers
  • Provided $19 million in total financial assistance to nearly 50,000 drivers and couriers diagnosed with COVID-19 or asked to self-isolate due to pre‑existing conditions by a public health authority
  • Provided 10 million free rides and food deliveries to healthcare workers, first responders, seniors, students and other underserved groups.

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