
Creating safe and secure airport environments whilst optimising costs

Posted: 14 May 2020 | | 1 comment

On 3 June 2020, International Airport Review and Honeywell will look at the effective solutions to support aviation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Airport solutions to be illustrated in Honeywell webinar

The global coronavirus outbreak has created an increasing number of challenges to individuals, communities and companies, whilst strongly impacting travel, transportation and healthcare. Passenger air travel has significantly dropped due to the restrictions imposed by many countries and while some governments across the globe have announced stimuli packages, the aviation industry is still working to determine how the current health crisis will reshape the sector.

Alongside other industry bodies, Airports Council International (ACI) has recommended policy measures to protect airport revenues, slot usage alleviation, tax relief and government assistance.

Register for this webinar now to secure your place to hear from industry experts on the topic of remaining resilient during the COVID-19 crisis.

Whilst passenger traffic is mostly closed, airport navigation service providers (ANSPs) need to continue to operate for repatriation flights and cargo air traffic which is sustained by the increased demand for vital supplies all around the world (medicines, PPE and fresh food) to further COVID-19 response efforts.

As the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO) highlighted in a recent webinar, airports need to be ready for the “new normal” of world air travel once governments start to gradually lift mobility restrictions. Airports and ANSPs should not cut their operating costs drastically in a way that would compromise safety. In addition, a quieter period is also an opportunity for airports to fast track projects that improve safety and efficiency to sustain the aviation sector recovery once passenger traffic resumes.

Airport operators and airliners, guided by industry bodies, will have the critical mission to ensure healthy environments for passengers and to thoroughly service their systems before operating again.

Therefore, airports will turn to technology to maximise the use of their current assets whilst avoiding large CapEx investments and reducing operational expenses.

On 3 June 2020, these unprecedented times – and the solutions available to navigate them – will be further discussed. Register to hear all about it.

Areas that should be explored to improve airport cost and safety position include:

  • Terminal air quality: Audit and adjust the terminal HVAC systems, managed through a building management system, to help prevent virus or bacteria spread
  • Security and screening: Use video analytics, access controls and integrated security systems to increase situational awareness, screen passenger health and fitness whilst avoiding checkpoint induced congestion
  • Terminal energy optimisation programmes: Reduce airport operational expenses with better energy management system
  • Aircraft flow: Deploy software that enables optimised airside assets utilisation to ensure efficient aircraft flows whilst decreasing the immediate need to expand infrastructure.

With more than 500 airport customers across the world, Honeywell is looking at those immediate and effective solutions to support the aviation industry in these challenging times.

Airports need to adapt to the reduced flow of passengers and optimise their costs in this crisis period. At the same time, they need to be ready to safely face the re-opening of airports and reassure travellers they are safe without creating additional checkpoint-induced congestion.

Honeywell experts will discuss specific solutions that enable airports to prepare for what can be expected to be the new normal in a post COVID-19 world. Join our webinar in association with International Airport Review to find out more on 3 June 2020.

One response to “Creating safe and secure airport environments whilst optimising costs”

  1. The way we travel has changed a lot, now we have to be more cautious and take all the safety measures that we can to protect ourself and our loved ones from this deadly virus. Washing hands regularly, Practicing good hygiene, Covering up, Maintaining social distance are few important factors that one should practice while traveling. I think responsibilities on airport authorities have increased a lot now since they are the ones that should take all the measures and make sure that all the passengers are safe.

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