
The SWIM Governance Project – focusing on ATM – is successfully completed

The SWIM project is SESAR Deployment’s 145th project and will assist in the digitalisation of European airspace.

SWIM governance

The final results of the SWIM (system wide information management) Governance Project have been delivered to the SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM); concluding more than three years of work.

This project involved 20 partners, including airports, airlines, air navigation service providers, meteorological service providers, military organisations and EUROCONTROL.

The project was co-funded by the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) within the SESAR Deployment framework and led by DSNA, the French Air Navigation Service Provider.

Maurice Georges, Director of DSNA, said: “The establishment of SWIM Governance paves the way for a controlled deployment of SWIM services which will facilitate and improve exchanges between ATM operational stakeholders. Completing this project is a crucial step in enabling the European ATM digitalisation.”

The Implementation Project developed a robust governance framework through a consistent set of principles, rules, processes and structure for SWIM governance, laid down in a structured set of documents.

In addition, the project delivered some practical deliverables, such as a dry-run of the SWIM Governance structure, the set-up of the European Registry of SWIM services hosted by EUROCONTROL, and some testing of SWIM pioneer services in Europe.

With more than 20 members, the collaborative work proved successful despite the difficult and challenging topics addressed, with results accommodating as much as possible.

Nicolas Warinsko, General Manager of the SESAR Deployment Manager, stated: “I congratulate DSNA and all involved partners for completing this 145th SESAR deployment project. The project completion is not the end but the beginning of a new chapter, where SWIM Governance provides the backbone for true ATM digitalisation. We need to continue the work now, building on the trust framework created. To be successful, SWIM implementation needs the involvement of all European ATM stakeholders.”

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