
Dublin Airport is founding member of Institute Of Asset Management

The Institute of Asset Management (IAM) helps companies manage their assets practically and sustainability.

Dublin Airport is founding member of Institute Of Asset Management

Kevin Niall, ESB Networks; Sam Gibson, Mutual Energy; Ark Wingrove, Kompas Development; Diarmaid Ó Culáin, Irish Water; Des Swale, daa; Randal Gilbert, Northern Ireland Electrical Networks; Jude Carey, Irish Rail; and Orla Maher, Ernst & Young at the inaugural meeting of the IAMs Irish chapter

Dublin Airport has revealed it is a founding member of the newly established Irish chapter of the Institute of Asset Management (IAM).

The IAM is a not-for-profit organisation that brings asset management professionals together to align thinking and share best practice. Companies have a need to find out how to better manage their assets both from a practical cost-saving point of view, but also as sustainability plays an increasingly important role in all areas of business.

Best practice in asset management requires a variety of considerations including potential impact on the environment, disposal of waste created by the asset, contingency planning, whole lifecycle and general health of the asset. The new Irish chapter of the IAM will provide a forum for industry leaders across the island to share their expertise.

Dublin Airport Managing Director, Vincent Harrison, said: “Dublin Airport aims to be industry leaders in all areas of its business and our asset management team are at the front line of vital areas from car parks to terminals to the airfield.

“We are delighted to be a founding member of the Irish chapter of the Institute of Asset Management and we look forward to sharing knowledge and learnings with other industry leaders both in Ireland and around the world.”

IAM Ireland has 135 members from companies in Ireland and Northern Ireland and will operate with the full support of the Institute of Asset Management based in the UK.

The launch was attended by the new Chief Executive and Director of the IAM and departmental heads of asset management, digital information, strategy and finance from a variety of companies including ESB, Ervia, Ernst & Young, GAS Networks Ireland, Irish Rail, Irish Water and Dublin Port. 

The inaugural event was also used as an opportunity to share knowledge with 56 leaders from Ireland discussing topics such as decarbonisation, energy, asset management, regulation, data and sustainability.

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