
Edinburgh Airport deploys new tech to improve kerbside management

Cameras that track vehicles touting and tailgating, which has recently increased at drop-off points around the airport, have been installed.

Edinburgh Airport deploys new tech to improve kerbside management

Edinburgh Airport has introduced new measures to crackdown on taxi touting in the drop-off zone, including cameras that track vehicle use and flow.

The cameras have been installed to identify those taxi and private hire vehicles that are illegally picking up passengers in the wrong areas. It comes after an increase in touting, tailgating through the exit barriers and congestion.

Signage to make users aware of the new measures has been installed and any vehicles that pick-up passengers in the drop-off zone will receive a parking charge notice of £100. A private company will manage this for the airport.

Adrian Witherow, Chief Operating Officer at Edinburgh Airport, said: “The safety of staff and passengers is always our number one priority and practices like touting and tailgating must be addressed to ensure the drop-off zone is a safe environment for everyone.

“It’s important that we provide a steady supply of taxis and private hire cars for passengers who land in Edinburgh but, unfortunately, a rise in these unsafe practices is impacting on our ability to do that. Touting is also denying our licensed taxis’ business and we have a responsibility to protect the integrity of that service, especially when that agreement ensures a supply of cars available for our passengers and customers at all hours of the day.

“We hope that these measures will encourage all operators to act in a responsible and safe manner and encourage them to adhere to the agreements that are in place to deliver a positive experience for passengers and drivers.”

Les McVay, Company Secretary of City Cabs, said: “We welcome this step and see it as an important development to further improving the customer service levels we have agreed with the airport and ensuring vehicles are available for passengers and customers at all times.

“It is disappointing that a small number of the trade are operating illegally and without safe procedures. We are confident that these new measures will rectify that and see all drivers adhering to the regulations, improving the area for passengers and drivers.”

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