
New security contract awarded to G4S

Posted: 24 October 2012 | Oslo Airport | No comments yet

After a thorough evaluation process, Oslo Airport has decided to award G4S the contracts for security services…

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After a thorough evaluation process, Oslo Airport has decided to award G4S the contracts for security services. The contracts have a duration of six years, starting 1 March 2013.

The bidding process has been conducted as two separate competitions, one for the passenger terminal and one for outside areas. Valued at NOK 2.3 billion, the contracts will run until March 2019.

“G4S had the best overall offer for both contracts and has therefore been chosen as the provider of security services. Security is extremely important to us, and we want our passengers to have a safe and efficient travel experience. The fact that we now have the same supplier until 2019 ensures continuity and stable security services in the midst of a demanding construction process,” says Nic Nilsen, Managing Director of Oslo Airport.

One of the most important changes for Oslo Airport, under the new contract, is stronger measures for monitoring contract deliveries. Nilsen believes it is important to have a constructive and good working relationship with the security company.

“Together with G4S, we will strive to improve the future, and this agreement gives us more options for using sanctions and bonuses in relation to how G4S does its job,” he says.

Desire to always do better

G4S is very happy to have been awarded the contracts, but is also determined to be an even better collaborative partner in the next contract period.

“We have always had an open and constructive dialogue with OSL backed by motivated and skilled employees, which provides a good basis for our desire to always do better,” says Vidar Berg, Country Manager of G4S Norway.

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