
Muovitie 16,
33470 Ylöjärvi,



Moventor is a modern, international, strongly growing and developing manufacturing company, highly specialised in friction measurement and the airport equipment and software business. Our core business areas include developing, manufacturing, delivering and servicing Skiddometer BV 11 continuous friction measuring equipment around the world, developing and delivering Global Runway Reporter software and representing EHR- Fahrzeugtechnik Cleaning Systems in the Scandinavian region.

Moventor’s head office and factory are located in Ylöjärvi in Finland. Moventor is committed to providing you products and services that increase the value and effectiveness of your business.

CFME – Continuous friction measuring equipment

CFME means equipment which friction value is determined by measurements from the whole runway length. This way the most accurate results are achieved and the difference on friction levels on different parts of the runway can be evaluated. The Skiddometer principle was a breakthrough measuring method, and remains the same still today, although the technology surrounding the measuring system has improved a lot in 60 years. This old and reliable measuring principle added with new technology has made Skiddometer the most reliable and advanced measuring system in the market. Moventor manufactures, delivers and services Skiddometer BV11 CFME around the world.

GRF – Global reporting format

Global reporting format is a runway reporting format developed by aviation authorities, such as ICAO. The GRF is implemented by airports to report runway conditions in a standardised way. This helps pilots to sense the reported conditions in a more harmonised way all around the world. In the end, this increases safety when implemented in the correct way.

Runway reporting includes reporting the runway conditions, such as contaminants, temperature and snowbanks. Also important is to time the reports in precise accuracy. Moventor develops and installs global runway reporting software to airports around the world. The software solution digitalises the whole runway reporting process from the inspector vehicle to publishing the SNOWTAM to relevant networks. We are a one-time shop for safe runway reporting.

