
Speakers Series: Airport IT & Security

Tuomas Ilola, co-founder of Steerpath, discusses his highlights from Airport IT & Security 2018 and what he will be looking forward to at this year’s event.

Speaker Series: Airport IT & Security

Looking back at Airport IT & Security 2018, what did you enjoy talking about most?

Location technology in various use cases like asset tracking, increasing situational awareness of security personnel, and allowing novel passenger experiences and commercial services at airports.

What did you enjoy hearing discussed most at Airport IT & Security?

I enjoyed hearing about new ideas. Also systems and technology, like Steerpath’s indoor positioning, is in a mature and cost-effective state at the moment, so PoC, for example, can be done at a terminal scale rather than being tested in a restricted office space. This enables us to us to really see the value in real-life environment and scale that is often difficult to see and grasp when testing technology out of its intended use case.

How can you see the industry changing over the next 12 months?

Digitalisation is going to continuously increase its role in day-to-day operations; how they are communicated, followed and executed. Location data and different sensor information are playing huge role in empowering people to make best possible decisions at a given time, regardless if they are part of security or operational operations.

What are the biggest challenges currently facing the industry?

The gap between the most advanced airports, forerunners, and the mid-tier or conservative airports is increasing when it comes to technology adaptation. This gap grows as successful innovation projects feed on new ones. All this will reflect the gap between operational efficiency and passenger satisfaction. 

Looking ahead to Airport IT & Security 2019, what do you think will be the most discussed topics?

Seamless passenger experiences and crowd sourcing as security technology. 

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At Airport IT & Security 18, Tuomas took part in a product demonstration, showcasing dynamic maps and location information for wayfinding, security and operational use cases. Steerpath enables robust and cost-effective location services for smart buildings. 


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