
Innovation Insight: LNT Solutions

Posted: 21 July 2015 | | No comments yet

Philip Newton, Head of UK/Europe at LNT Solutions, provides an overview of the company and how it works to create innovative products for the aviation industry.


What de-icing products and solutions can LNT Solutions offer the industry?

LNT Solutions (LNT) is the world’s most innovative provider of aviation de-icing solutions. Our complete range of de-icers includes: Type I, II and IV aircraft fluids; an airside solid formate; as well as GEN3 runway de-icer which solves aircraft carbon-brake degradation issues, without compromising de-icing performance. LNT products are qualified to the latest SAE AMS standards and produced in an ISO 9001 manufacturing environment.

Of the many ground-breaking de-icing initiatives we’ve lent our expertise to, two jump to mind. Firstly, the recovery and recycling of glycol back into LNT E188 (EG Type I Aircraft AMS qualified fluid) in-situ at the airport – this is in full operation at Montreal Airport. A second innovation attracting interest is the proven-technology of blending LNT P188 in the spray-truck during operation on the apron. Airlines/service providers highly endorse the initiative as it improves supply-chain management, enabling minimisation of stock of finished product, reduced costs, and release of precious storage space.

How does LNT Solutions make sure it is able to provide the industry with its solutions when demand is high?

Understanding the vagaries of winter weather, especially as we progress through an era characterised by erratic weather patterns, is critical to any de-icing supplier offering first-class de-icing provision. LNT is unique in the industry for not just concentrating on operational ability for volume production, but giving precedence to local logistics of supply, to ensure a reliable source for our customers.

As the LNT team are typically from backgrounds in de-icing facility management, winter logistics and de-icer manufacturing, they understand the operational challenges confronting winter mitigation managers. LNT’s manufacturing facilities are always close to our customers’ point-of-use. Our local logistics all have the capability and flexibility to meet demanding requirements, adapting seamlessly to the variable severity of winter conditions.

What sets LNT Solutions’ products apart from its competitors?

Creating aviation de-icing products that drive down costs by continuous investment in R&D is at the heart of LNT Solutions’ brand. The philosophy is to strive for something new, not to settle for the ‘me-too’ option.

A product development initiative is always entered into with the goal of improving a particular aspect of existing technology, or to answer a need not currently met at all. For example, LNT’s GEN3 Runway De-icer answers the calls of airlines and aircraft manufacturers for a fluid that does not promote catalytic oxidation of their aircraft carbon brakes. Carbon brake degradation caused by immersion in traditional alkali metal salt de-icers reduces the lifespan of aircraft brakes and has become a huge expense for airlines. GEN3 was developed specifically to eliminate that problem, without compromising its first intent, to keep runways open during sub-zero conditions.

What are LNT’s latest products?

LNT always has a number of products in R&D. Whether additional improvements to a tried, tested and loved product, or a new revolutionary de-icing product.

Two ‘fresh’ products to mention are the LNT Type II and Type IV thickened aircraft de-icing fluids. LNT P250 is an exceptionally stable and easy to handle Type II. So we are very excited to now be introducing it to our customers.

Our new high-performing Type IV, LNT E450, is the first EG thickened-fluid to be launched in a decade and brings much needed competition to the market. It was designed with North America in-mind but given its compatibility with recycling technology we’re already seeing much interest across other regions.

LNT Solutions is a relative newcomer to the industry; how do you see growth in the coming years?

Despite being a relative newcomer, LNT’s products are already widely used at major airports in the UK, Europe, USA and Canada with a steadfast reputation for excellence.  

We’ve always taken a strategic view to growth, getting the products right by concentrating on what matters to our clients: operational efficiency, cost-effectiveness and product performance. LNT has a unique advantage of an entrepreneurial business-flair thanks to our Chairman, Lawrence Tomlinson, which enables us to take a long-term approach to product development. It’s this time for foresight that has taken LNT straight to the forefront of de-icing technology. We’ve not only solved the issues our clients are facing now, but have created a pipeline of products to overcome their future challenges, with many more in development.

In many areas of de-icing, we are already setting the product-specifications for the industry to catch-up with.


Philip Newton joined LNT Solutions in 2005 as Operations Manager and has taken a central role in progressing the company from its beginnings as a purveyor of rail industry de-icers to an international supplier of innovative de/anti-icing solutions for the aviation sector.

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