
Curaçao Airport focuses on non-aero revenues with Concessionaire Analyzer+

Posted: 27 September 2017 | | No comments yet

Curacao Airport Partners NV (CAP), operators of Curaçao International Airport, have chosen the Concessionaire Analyzer+ (CA+) software solution to assist in improving the management of its non-aeronautical sector.

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The solution will focus on automating the collection of detailed sales data from concessions, whilst providing a centralised platform for contracts management, as well as facilities for property and space management. CA+ will also automate the airport revenue calculation process, typically based on fixed rents and revenue shares from concessions. In addition to this, CAP will make use of the CA+ Business Intelligence module aimed at providing a much deeper level of real time insight into their non-aero business.

This is the third Caribbean airport to implement CA+ and focus on automating many of the manual processes involved in managing concessions, improving efficiencies, and gaining the insight required to help concessions to prosper within their airports. Due to the scalability of the solution, airports of all sizes on all continents have seen the ROI on CA+.

At Curaçao Airport, CA+ will fully automate the sales data collection process from their 27 retail and F&B concessions. Sales data will not only be more accurate and punctual, but will be collected with far more detail, allowing CAP to truly analyse performance and work with its concessions to improve their own results. Moreover, concessions will still continue to use their current POS and inventory systems, ensuring the least disruption with the implementation of CA+.

CAP will also be using CA+ for its contract management capabilities, enabling Curaçao to implement a more automated approach that caters for revenue shares, minimum guarantees, rents and consumable services as is typical for contracts within airport environments. The system will also enable them to manage their property contracts that are mostly used for office leasing.
The CA+ Business Intelligence (BI) module will then allow the CAP’s commercial team to obtain better insights on sales and revenue patterns, and work with their concessionaires to improve performance. Linkage with the airport’s operational systems will further deepen the insight gained.

CA+ will provide an overall improvement in the commercial management of the airport, enabling more efficient automation of sales data collection, contract management and analysis, replacing much of the spreadsheet and manual input of data that today dominates most airport commercial teams, while also collecting more detailed data.

Ralph Blanchard, CEO at CAP, explained that the adoption of CA+ is part of the strategic roadmap for major development of Curacao Airport. “Following major investment over the past year including the installation of immigration e-gates for swifter passport control, a renovated arrivals hall, new car rental counters and innovative F&B options for passengers to experience, we are now looking at improving efficiencies in our management processes. CA+ will enable us to automate many of the processes carried out manually today, and will provide us with the insight required to truly focus on the improvement on our non-aero revenue streams.” The terminal is currently undergoing major expansion and will be completed in 2018 where it will then cater for 2.5m passengers.

John de Giorgio, the CEO of CA Plus Limited, commented that “CA+ are looking forward to working with CAP, whose decision to invest in such a system reinforces the importance that airports all over the world are giving to the non-aeronautical sector to provide significant revenue for more airport investment. CA+ is already working with airports of all sizes in Africa, the Caribbean, Europe, the Gulf and South America, all seeking to derive better results from their non-aero sector.”

CA Plus Ltd will be showcasing their solution at the ACI-NA Annual Conference and Exhibition 2017 in Fort Worth, Texas, next month. Airports are welcome to discuss improving their non-aeronautical revenues, or request an online demo prior to the event by emailing [email protected].

About CA+
CA+ is the ground-breaking solution for controlling, managing and boosting airport non-aeronautical revenues. CA+ provides facilities to manage concession and property contracts, automate billing, capture detailed sales data, and incorporates a business intelligence and reporting platform that enables airports to obtain insights into their sales patterns to boost revenues and performance.

CA Plus Ltd forms part of the Gentrack Group, together with Airport 20/20 and Blip Systems, adding value to the airport market.

About Gentrack
Gentrack provides essential software for essential services, pairing powerful platforms with deep market knowledge to help utilities and airports lower service costs, foster innovation and confidently navigate market reform. Gentrack employs over 430 people in offices across New Zealand, Australia, the UK and Europe and services over 200 utility and airport sites in 20 countries with its leading solutions including Gentrack Velocity, Junifer, Airport 20/20, BlipTrack and Concessionaire Analyzer+ (CA+).

Airport 20/20, BlipTrack and CA+ provide a comprehensive solution suite engineered to connect and unlock the value of airport operational, revenue, concession and passenger data. This real-time insight enables airports to run a more efficient operation, uncover new growth opportunities and build an outstanding traveller experience.

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