
Airport Operators Association launches UK Airports Safety Week 2017

UK Airports Safety Week 2017 is taking place from 8 – 14 May, where airports from all across the UK are promoting safety in all its aspects.

Airport Operators Association launches UK Airports Safety Week 2017

This will be done through events for their staff, staff of companies operating in and around the airport and the public to demonstrate and promote airports’ approach to safety and safety culture.

UK airports have an excellent safety culture, which depends on the successful collaboration of many different partners, and promoting it through events such as this. Whether landside or airside, the commitment of every player is essential to the delivery of the safest possible environment for all.

The AOA UK Airports Safety Week will show that airport safety is an integral part of the communities that airports serve, both by providing a safe and enjoyable travel experience to passengers as well as by providing important employment opportunities, including through apprenticeships.

Airports across the UK are running multiple events every day. Examples of these activities include:

  • A charity runway run for airport staff to look for Foreign Object Debris (FOD – any object that should not be there) at London City Airport
  • Baggage truck driving, push back and dispatching experiences for staff at Cardiff Airport
  • Tram Safety Awareness with Edinburgh Trams on tram safety, signals and crossings at Edinburgh Airport
  • Autism Awareness (in association with PEAT) at George Best Belfast City Airport
  • Emergency first aid demonstrations at Belfast International Airport
  • Aircraft refuelling demonstrations at Aberdeen International Airport
  • “Safety at the Airport” poster competition for primary school pupils near London City Airport

“Safety affects everyone at airports, whether you’re a passenger or a staff member of an airline or ground handler, just like it would do in a town or city,” says Karen Dee, Chief Executive of AOA.

“The AOA UK Airports Safety Week is an opportunity to bring all this behind-the-scenes work out into open, demonstrate to the public and airport users the different aspects of safety and safety culture at UK airports. It will be an opportunity to learn more about everyone’s role and contribution as well as a chance to say thanks to the many thousands of workers who make UK aviation and airports one of the safest in the world.”

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