
Digital Barriers achieves screening rate of 1,000 people per hour

Digital Barriers plc has announced that its ThruVis public safety solution has successfully achieved a screening rate of up to 1,000 people per hour.


Specialist provider of visually intelligent solutions to the global surveillance, security and safety markets, Digital Barriers plc has announced that its ThruVis public safety solution has successfully achieved a screening rate of up to 1,000 people per hour at peak times – estimated to be more than five times faster than traditional security lanes.

This screening rate was achieved during the UK Government Security & Policing event in Farnborough, where ThruVis was part of an official high throughput screening demonstration.

ThruVis delivers a level of performance, flexibility and capability that cannot be matched by any other technology in the world. Unlike existing technology, it detects all types of items concealed in clothing, including non-metallics like explosives and ceramic knives, at stand-off distances of up to 10m. It is mobile, rapidly deployable, and operates without compromising people throughput, safety or privacy. Of equal importance, it is operationally ready for use, as confirmed by the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) which has already conducted successful deployments in preparation for a wider roll-out.

The screening rate of up to 1,000 people per hour comes at the same time as ThruVis has achieved a 100% detection rate in blind trials with government agencies in Asia Pacific, which continue to plan wide scale deployments of the capability over the coming years.

In aviation ThruVis delivers the potential to materially enhance the screening of passengers in expedited security lanes and of staff using employee security channels. In the public safety market it provides an additional layer of security for mass transit terminals and crowded public spaces that have been the subject of recent attacks.

ThruVis can also now be deployed alongside the company’s SmartVis Face solution, to raise immediate alarms when concealed threats or people who may present a security risk enter protected locations. SmartVis Face has been designed to deliver high-throughput, standoff screening against known watch lists, and it was also successfully showcased at the UK Government Security & Policing event to government security and defence delegations from around the world.

“ThruVis is a game-changing technology that meets a pressing security need without disrupting people flow or detracting from the visitor or traveller experience,” said Zak Doffman, CEO of Digital Barriers. “The addressable market for this solution is now being measured in many thousands of units over the coming years, which will deliver a very significant payback on the ten years of development and more than £100 million of investment that has resulted in this unique technology.”

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