
COMSOFT’s Electronic Input Forms Boost Data Procedures of Estonian eAIP

Posted: 16 September 2010 | CANSO | No comments yet

The Estonian Air Navigation Services (EANS) contracted COMSOFT to further enhance their worldwide leading eAIP and AIM solution…

The Estonian Air Navigation Services (EANS) contracted COMSOFT to further enhance their worldwide leading eAIP and AIM solution. Web-based electronic Input Forms (eIF) will establish highly efficient workflows between data originators and AIS application managers.

This innovative project is the consequent extension of Estonia’s seminal AIXM 5.1-based eAIP project recently completed by COMSOFT at Tallinn Airport. EANS now pursue their technologically leading approach by establishing efficient data procedures using web-based electronic Input Forms supplied by German AIM specialist COMSOFT.

eIF are provided by a user-friendly application that enable AIS offices to directly collect static and dynamic aeronautical data from airports or other organisations for the creation of the AIP and NOTAMs. Moreover, it controls the essential workflow for the checking and approval of received data.

The introduction of eIF will not only save operational costs but sustainably improve data integrity as it avoids the manual and thus error-prone re-entry of data in the AIS office. Users will benefit from the integration of AIP amendments, supplements, circulars and charts in the workflows as well as from the full support of AIXM 5.1 features.

The core of the Estonian AIM is formed by COMSOFT’s product CADAS-AIMDB. It provides a full implementation of the currently emerging data exchange model AIXM 5.1 and its open interfaces make the Estonian AIM ready for further extensions such as future applications for Digital NOTAMs.

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