
Sydney Airport launches real time flight information service for passengers

Posted: 25 January 2017 | International Airport Review | 1 comment

Sydney Airport and BizTweet to collaborate to offer real time flight information service that seeks to ameliorate passenger experience…

Sydney Airport

Sydney Airport has launched an innovative new service offering tailored, real time flight information to passengers via social media to further enhance the customer experience.

The airport has partnered with software provider TIC, whose BizTweet platform connects passengers with airports through social media.  

Sydney Airport Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Kerrie Mather said the service would improve the passenger experience, helping travellers plan their trip before they arrive at the airport.

“We want to make the airport experience as simple and stress free as possible for the 42 million passengers who fly in and out of Sydney Airport on more than 300,000 flights every year,” Ms Mather said.

“We’re proud to engage with our passengers through this information service, which provides access to the latest details on international and domestic flights, departure gates and boarding times at the touch of a button.

“Importantly, passengers will be able to access personalised flight information in their native language, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so they’ll receive timely and relevant information, when and where they need it.”

The new service is also expected to enhance efficiency by improving passenger flow throughout Sydney Airport’s terminals.

“New multilingual Flight Information Displays (FIDS) are also available in 13 languages…”

Founder and CEO of TIC Paul Brugger said the company was pleased to partner with Sydney Airport.

“Sydney Airport is one of the most well-known airports in the whole world and we are now able to offer our tailored solution to more people than ever before, further enhancing the airport’s service to its passengers,” Mr Brugger said.

“It’s great to see Sydney making their service as relevant as possible to the passenger by using our multi-lingual functionality to communicate in up to 41 different languages instantly.”

The introduction of this new service builds on Sydney Airport’s technology strategy, which is delivering new and more customised ways for visitors and passengers to access the information they need when planning their trip to the airport.

Sydney Airport has implemented a suite of state-of-the-art technology, including free Wi-Fi and airport apps, self-service check-in, automated bag drops, SmartGates, dynamic wayfinding e-directories and beacon technology.

New multilingual Flight Information Displays (FIDS) are also available in 13 languages at the T1 International terminal. The new look FIDS feature bolder colours, larger font and a more intuitive display to enhance readability and wayfinding for passengers.

The airport is Australia’s leading airport for social media followers, with around 160,000 followers across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn and offers the BizTweet service in 41 languages, from Arabic through to Vietnamese.

One response to “Sydney Airport launches real time flight information service for passengers”

  1. ROBBO says:

    All the buzz words from SYD….. has anyone been through that joint lately? It’s a nightmare. It’s all very well building things up, making them sound better than they are and giving yourselves self congratulations to make you look good in the eyes of your owners Macquarie Bank… but the airport is pathetic. I try and avoid if I can.

    ‘improve the passenger experience’
    ‘airport experience’
    ‘engage with our passengers’
    ‘passengers will be able to access personalised flight information in their native language’
    ‘enhance efficiency by improving passenger flow’
    ‘offer our tailored solution’
    ‘enhancing the airport’s service to its passengers’
    ‘making their service as relevant as possible to the passenger’
    ‘multi-lingual functionality to communicate’

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