
A4E calls on governments to support UN proposed carbon emissions offset scheme

Posted: 22 July 2016 | Katie Sadler, Digital Content Producer, International Airport Review | No comments yet

Airlines for Europe (A4E) have called on all governments to support the United Nations’ proposed carbon emissions offset scheme to ensure the airline industry can tackle climate change at a global level.

A4E calls on governments to support UN proposed scheme to lower carbon emissions

Airlines for Europe (A4E) have called on all governments to support the United Nations’ proposed carbon emissions offset scheme to ensure the airline industry can tackle climate change at a global level.

A4E calls on governments to support UN proposed scheme to lower carbon emissions

‘The ambitious target to cap emissions from 2020 can only be achieved if governments agree on a global deal to address carbon emissions as proposed by the United Nations aviation specialised agency ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation),’ stated A4E as it set out its priorities on environmental policy. As a consequence, the association believes any future growth in carbon emissions will be offset to reduce the impact of aviation on the environment.

Thomas Reynaert, Managing Director of A4E commented: “A4E welcomes the European Commission’s commitment to the ICAO process and urges governments to reach an agreement at the October 2016 ICAO General Assembly to address international aviation emissions at global level. We call on all governments to support a global deal for aviation carbon emissions because it is the only way we can continue to grow our industry sustainably to meet demand.”

Developing sustainable fuel solutions is critical to lowering carbon emissions

A4E also believes developing sustainable fuel solutions is critical and governments should support initiatives to develop bio jet fuels. Moreover, renewable energy policies for transport should be extended to include aviation.

“Governments should incentivise sustainable jet fuels in the same way they do for cars”

“The only fuel alternative available for aviation in the short to mid-term are sustainable low-carbon fuels but we face high prices and low availability. Some test and commercial flights have been carried out by dozens of airlines – among them A4E member airlines – and have proven their effectiveness. We are investing in developing bio fuels but governments should incentivise sustainable jet fuels in the same way they do for cars. Support from governments is critical for these initiatives to progress,” said Thomas Reynaert.

A4E suggests a more favourable policy framework is necessary and urgent to create a stable market environment for investors and airlines to advance the use of sustainable biofuels by ensuring sufficient supply that is price-competitive and non-distortive. The association goes on to say, this support should consist of lowering investment risk and providing policy incentives for biofuel use in the Renewable Energy Directive (which has so far only been implemented in The Netherlands for aviation).

A4E also supports current ideas in the European Parliament to encourage Member States to use bio-waste, in particular for the production of sustainable low carbon fuels for aviation, within the scope of the Proposal for a Directive amending Directive 2008/98/EC on Waste.

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