
ACI and ICAO launch new ASP qualification programme

Posted: 6 November 2020 | | No comments yet

The programme has been piloted in Brazil but has several other countries already lined up, with plans to expand the number of languages offered for each course.

ACI and ICAO launch new ASP qualification programme

Airports Council International (ACI) World and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) have joined forces and launched a new global qualification programme for airport safety professionals and civil aviation regulators.

The ACI/ICAO Airport Safety Professional (ASP) programme is the first and only joint professional aviation programme of its kind and will help to support global airport industry recovery by assisting airports to align safety practices with ICAO.

Designed in collaboration by industry leaders from both organisations, it validates an individual’s dedication and expertise by promoting professional excellence in the field of airport airside operations. Graduates will be able to use the industry designation of ASP, which is a welcomed addition to the global ACI-ICAO International Airport Professional management designation of IAP.

ACI World’s Director General, Luis Felipe de Oliveira, said: “The safety of our passengers and collaborators is our number one priority, and this new programme promotes ACI’s leading practices alongside ICAO industry safety standards and recommended practices giving students an invaluable/extensive learning experience. This programme was developed through our strong relationship with ICAO and our joint efforts to offer only the highest quality of training in the industry. Partnerships like this, forged with our global partners, are key in promoting the development of the entire aviation ecosystem and providing the skills and expertise needed to carry the industry through recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“The successful recovery and resumption of global air transport operations relies significantly on the technical and managerial skills of airport safety professionals and airport civil aviation regulators, and on their capacity to innovate in the face of the many challenges now confronting our sector and the societies and industries it serves. This new ICAO-ACI initiative will help assure we maintain a safe, secure, and efficient aviation system supporting both current essential air cargo and other services, and pandemic air transport recovery more generally”, added ICAO’s Secretary General, Dr. Fang Liu.

The Global ICAO-ACI Airport Management Professional Accreditation Programme (AMPAP) was first introduced in 2007 and has since recognised more than 1,000 International Airport Professionals (IAPs) globally.

To be accredited as an Airport Safety Professional and awarded the ASP designation, candidates must pass the online validation exam within one year after successfully completing the required mandatory courses and elective course. The mandatory and elective courses must be completed within a three-year timeframe.

Each course is delivered exclusively by certified ICAO and ACI instructors and is based on ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) and ACI industry best practices.

The programme was piloted in Brazil, with several others already lined up. While initially delivered in English, ACI and ICAO plan on expanding the number of languages offered for each course using global and local case studies.

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