
IAA welcomes new aircraft surveillance software from Aireon

Posted: 11 February 2019 | | No comments yet

Partnering with Aireon, the IAA has invested in technology which can pinpoint the location of aircraft, making the skies safer.


The Irish Aviation Authority, (IAA) has welcomed the successful launch and deployment of the Iridium NEXT satellite constellation, hosting the Aireon space-based Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) payloads. 

Aireon is the first to provide global, real-time air traffic surveillance and tracking to air navigation service providers (ANSPs) and aviation stakeholders. The IAA is a partner in Aireon along with other international air navigation service providers such as; NAV CANADA (Canada), ENAV (Italy) and Naviair (Denmark).

Peter Kearney, Chief Executive IAA, said the Aireon experts deserve full credit for their commitment and hard work to bring this innovative technology to reality. He said: “The IAA is a proud member of the Aireon partnership and we are excited at the opportunities offered by space-based AADS-B to improve the safety, capacity and efficiency or air navigation and air traffic management. Aireon will provide global surveillance for aircraft – compared to current levels of ground-based radar coverage which is just 30 per cent. Indeed, this final launch is a key part of the jigsaw for Aireon alert, which will operate from the IAA facility at Ballygirreen in Co. Clare. It will offer a free, public service to airlines, as well as search and rescue services to pinpoint the last known location and track of aircraft globally.”

The Aireon technology gives air traffic controllers and airlines a complete and comprehensive view of the entire sky. This launch brought the total number of Aireon payloads in orbit to 75 (66 operational payloads and 9 spares), completing the historic launch programme and passing one of the last remaining milestones before Aireon ushers in a new era of global air traffic surveillance and aircraft tracking. 

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