
Ash cloud affects South American air travel

Posted: 16 June 2011 | Mark Glover, International Airport Review | No comments yet

An ash cloud that has been spewing from a volcano in Chile could continue to interrupt air traffic for some time…

Volcano erupting in Iceland

Volcano erupting in Iceland

An ash cloud that has been spewing from a volcano in Chile could continue to interrupt air traffic for some time as the cloud shows no sign of stabilising.

The volcano located in the South Central region of the country originally erupted on June 4 affecting flights in Argentina, Uruguay and even as far away as Australia. Brazilian officials have said that the ash has reached the southern cities of Porto Alegre and Florianopolis.

The ash, which can damage jet engines has forced the partial grounding of some of South America’s airlines including Chile’s LAN and Brazil’s TAM and Gol.

Despite the claims that the eruption could affect air travel for the immediate future there were signs on Tuesday (14 June) that activity was gradually resuming at Uruguay’s main airport.