
Chopin Airport commended at Routes Europe

Posted: 11 May 2011 | Warsaw Chopin Airport | No comments yet

Warsaw Chopin Airport received the “Highly Commended” status at the Routes Europe conference…

Warsaw Chopin Airport received the “Highly Commended” status in East-Central European airports category at the Routes Europe conference held in Cagliari, Italy.

The Warsaw airport was recognized for its marketing strategy, including reduction of airport charges and creative use of social media to communicate with passengers.

In October 2009, Chopin Airport introduced a new airport charges price list with an improved discount system targeted at airlines which contribute most to development of air traffic from Warsaw. The discounts (even up to 99%) apply to inaugural flights and new long-haul services. Lower charges are also offered to airlines accounting for the majority of transit traffic at the Warsaw airport.

When it comes to the use of social media in communication, Chopin Airport is among world leaders. Its page on Facebook is the number one airport profile in Europe and the eighth most popular in the world in terms of the number of fans. As at the end of April, the profile had nearly 8200 fans and a 25% user interaction rate.

The Routes forum is one of the most important business events in the aviation industry, with trade shows and conferences attended by three thousand representatives of airlines, airports and aviation companies from all over the world.

Chopin Airport is the largest airport in Poland. It handles scheduled, charter and cargo traffic. In 2010, the airport served nearly 8.7 million passengers, which represents 43% of Poland’s passenger traffic.