
X-Mover: The world’s first multi-functional transport vehicle for air cargo units

Posted: 12 October 2010 | ICM Airport Technics GmbH | 1 comment

Flexibility is a very important characteristic of business today. This catchword crops up in nearly all fields of modern intralogistics…

Flexibility is a very important characteristic of business today. This catchword crops up in nearly all fields of modern intralogistics.


Particularly for customers in the air-cargo sector, it is important to be able to use their existing warehouse space in a flexible manner. Very often fixed conveyor systems can only be modified at great expense to meet changing business processes.

For this reason, ICM has developed the ‘X-Mover’ to supplement conventional conveyor systems. It is a multi-functional cargo handling device that possesses all the functionalities required for ULD (Unit Load Device) handling. Thus, it is a truck dock, an elevating transfer vehicle, a slave pallet mover, a dolly dock, a weighing station and an IT identification station, all rolled into one. You will find further information at:

ICM Airport Technics GmbH
Ladenburger Str. 10
D-68519 Viernheim, Germany
t: +49 6204 70876-0
f: +49 6204 70876-77
e: [email protected]