
Birmingham Airport gets efficiency boost with ADB Safegate Integrated Tower Solution

Posted: 29 September 2016 | International Airport Review | No comments yet

Birmingham has chosen AviBit to install its Integrated Tower Solution to enable A-CDM and improve real-time shared information between stakeholders, airlines, ground handlers and air traffic control…

The expected outcomes?

Greater predictability of aircraft movement, resource optimisation and capacity enhancement, leading to safer and superior airport performance, increased efficiency and lower costs. 

The project is co-financed by the European Union – as part of its larger Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA). The investment will contribute to the implementation of the Single European Sky (SES), and in particular, the deployment of SES’ technological arm, the SES Air Traffic Management Research (SESAR) programme. SES is a priority project of the European Commission, is aligned with the EU Europe 2020 Strategy and aims to modernise European Air Traffic Management.

“As the fastest growing airport in the UK outside London, we see significant benefits in joining the A-CDM programme, and enhanced performance is just one of these,” said Nick James, Head of Air Navigation Services, Birmingham Airport.

“We’re excited about the other outcomes ─ better efficiency and safety, greater time and cost savings ─ that we and our airport ecosystem partners will achieve through Airport Collaborative Decision Making.”

ADB Safegate’s Integrated Tower Solution comprises ACEMAX Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System, DIFLIS Electronic Flight Strips, DECLOS Digital Pre-Departure Clearance System and OPTAMOS Departure Management System, as well as third party radar systems for surface movement, aircraft and vehicle surveillance. All of these are critical elements in the airport’s A-CDM programme.

The ADB Safegate solution systematises the operational process and takes on non-critical tasks to reduce the air traffic controller workload and improve safety. This allows the controller to concentrate on a safe and more efficient traffic flow. For congested airports, this frees up unused capacity where traffic expansion may not otherwise be possible.

ADB Safegate will also be responsible for decommissioning some of the existing systems and civil works. The project will be deployed in two phases, the first of which is scheduled for completion by April 2017.

“As the fastest growing airport in the UK outside London…”

“A-CDM is catching on as more and more airports realise its benefits. A recent Eurocontrol survey estimates airlines at several CDM airports made tactical delay cost savings of close to €1 million in 20151,” said Christian Onselaere, CEO, ADB Safegate.

“Our Air Traffic Management Solution paves the way for A-CDM, and helps Birmingham, one of UK’s best performing airports, manage its growth efficiently.” 

Birmingham Airport, with 11 million passengers annually, is home to several airline operators, and is the United Kingdom’s seventh busiest airport.

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