
Nav Canada to modernise Terminal Surveillance Radar at 12 sites

Posted: 17 December 2015 | Katie Sadler, Digital Content Producer, International Airport Review | No comments yet

Nav Canada, the civil air navigation services provider, has announced a Terminal Surveillance Radar (TSR) upgrade project at 12 locations in an investment totalling $125 million. The Terminal Surveillance Radar modernisation project will commence in phases starting with Canada’s five major airports with work underway at Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Montreal and Hamilton. “Each radar upgrade […]

Nav Canada to modernise Terminal Surveillance Radar at 12 sites

Nav Canada, the civil air navigation services provider, has announced a Terminal Surveillance Radar (TSR) upgrade project at 12 locations in an investment totalling $125 million.

Nav Canada to modernise Terminal Surveillance Radar at 12 sites

Copyright: NAV CANADA

The Terminal Surveillance Radar modernisation project will commence in phases starting with Canada’s five major airports with work underway at Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Montreal and Hamilton.

“Each radar upgrade will improve reliability, advance the exchange of data, lower maintenance costs and mitigate potential service outages”

“These radar systems are over 30 years old and are nearing the end of their lifecycle,” said Kim Troutman, Nav Canada’s Vice President of Engineering. “Radar is one of the key surveillance sources for air traffic control and will continue to be an indispensable tool for the mid and long-term in its existing role and as a complement to satellite-based ADS-B surveillance.

 “Due to the age of the systems, various electronic components are becoming obsolete and parts are sometimes difficult to replace,” noted Troutman. “This upgrade program will replace key electronic equipment while maintaining the radar site infrastructure in place.  Each radar upgrade will improve reliability, advance the exchange of data, lower maintenance costs and mitigate potential service outages.”

A competitive Request for Proposal was issued and following a lengthy tender process Nav Canada chose Selex ES, a subsidiary of Finmeccanica, as the supplier.

Nav Canada provides air traffic control, flight information, weather briefings, aeronautical information services, airport advisory services and electronic aids to navigation. The company operates 46 radar sites across the country providing air traffic surveillance for Air Traffic Controllers and Flight Service Specialists.

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