
Calicut International Airport completes runway re-carpeting works in record time

Airports Authority India completed re-carpeting works at Calicut International Airport in a record time of 120 days, much ahead of schedule.

AAI Runway

AAI’s Calicut International Airport completes the Runway re-carpeting work in record time. CREDIT: AIRPORT AUTHROITY INDIA

With meticulous planning and efficient project monitoring and execution, the Airports Authority India (AAI) Team accomplished an incredible milestone by completing re-carpeting work at Calicut International Airport in a record time of 120 days, much ahead of the scheduled date.

The project, with an estimated project cost of Rs. 60 Crore included re-carpeting of the 2.86 km Runway, fixing of Runway Centre Line lights and Touchdown Zone lights, aimed at enhancing the safety standards of the airport.

The re-carpeting work of any runway of over 2.5 kms takes eight to nine months on an average. The work for re-carpeting of Runway of Calicut International Airport commenced on 27 January 2023 and successfully completed on 02 June 2023, well before the onset of monsoons in Kerala. The re-carpeting work included milling – i.e. removal of previous bituminous layer surface, re-carpeting (2860 meters long runway, runway shoulders, taxiway and RESA), providing glass fibre reinforcement grid and laying of Runway Centre Line Lighting (RCLL) and Touch Down Zone Lights (TDZ), which was completed in just 120 days. This feat could be achieved by AAI owing to efficient project monitoring & execution and un-interrupted availability of runway for works due to clear weather.

Airport runways are built to comply with internationally mandated standards. Frequent landing and take-off of flights lead to wear and tear of runways over a period of time. Natural weather phenomena like rain and sun also affect the runway surface. Thus, depending on the volume of traffic and the variety of aircraft, the runway needs to be re-carpeted as per the operational requirements. This is done by taking into consideration of various factors including, how busy the airport is and
the variety of aircraft that it handles etc.

The re-carpeting of the 2.86 km Calicut Airport Runway and allied works were planned meticulously. As the runway was closed for operations during the day (NOTAM initiated for closure of runway), all daytime flights were rescheduled to night. Since the closure of the runway was from 10:00 to 18:00, it didn’t have any major impact on the night traffic. The work was planned in such a way that the runway was readied for landings and take-offs by 18:00 everyday. Although Calicut Airport has 70 to 80 flight movements everyday, less than 10 flights operate during day time (between 10:00 and 18:00) and arrangements were in place to cater to rescheduled flights and the resultant footfall.

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