
Apron reconstruction project is completed at Gerald R. Ford Airport

Posted: 19 December 2019 | | No comments yet

The $30 million project repaired the terminal apron to allow the airport to accommodate future growth and development.

Apron reconstruction project completed at Gerald R. Ford Airport

Copyright: Gerald R. Ford International Airport

Following almost two years of construction, Gerald R. Ford International Airport (GFIA) has completed its $30 million apron reconstruction project.

The project repaired the terminal apron, where aircraft are parked, loaded and unloaded, de-iced and refuelled.

Construction took place in seven phases over the course of two years in order to allow for adequate gate space for air carriers. The project removed the old concrete pavement, replacing it with 153,000 square yards of new concrete, preparing the airport for any future developments and aircraft loading. 

Tory Richardson, President and CEO of Gerald R. Ford International Airport, said: “We had over 195,000 cubic yards of excavation on this project – that’s enough to fill 60 Olympic-sized swimming pools. We are also proud of the fact that 99 per cent of the materials removed from airport property during this project were reused or recycled, and we did this construction with minimal impacts to our passengers.”  

Other improvements included new LED lighting installed in the apron area to reduce energy usage. An upgraded stormwater drainage system and underground utilities were also completed to accommodate future growth and development.

This is not the only renovation work happening at the airport. In August, the GFIA Authority Board announced Project Elevate – a three-stage development expansion of Ford Airport that begins with a $90 million extension of Concourse A to accommodate projected passenger growth over the next 20 years. Construction is set to begin in spring 2020, which will see the addition of eight gates and new amenities added to Concourse A. Expansion of the terminal apron to support this state-of-the-art concourse is already underway, thanks to more than $14.4 million in federal and state commitments from the Federal Aviation Administration and the Michigan Department of Transportation.

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