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Issue 2 2006



From city airport to airport city

16 June 2006 | By Koen Roojimans, Brisbane Airport Corporation, Managing Director and CEO

With the population of south east Queensland on the rise and the region becoming increasingly popular as a tourist destination – over 16 million people are travelling through Brisbane Airport every year – now is the time to lock in the benefits of growth by investing in the future, explains…


Reliability and efficiency: setting the scene

16 June 2006 | By Dr Chris J. Smith, Managing Director, SH&E Limited

Question: How can an inherently simple activity of moving a suitcase from one place to another be so complex? Answer: When it takes place at an airport.


Educating the interest

16 June 2006 | By Selina Johnson, Manager, Business Development & Training,American Association of Airport Executives

The American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE) is the largest professional organisation for airport executives in the world, representing thousands of airport management personnel at public use airports.AAAE’s primary goal is to assist airport executives in fulfilling their responsibilities to the airports and communities they serve.


Aircraft Interior Access Vehicles for ARFF

16 June 2006 | By Dan Pierce, Airport Safety Officer, Los Angeles World Airports

Today, there are more commercial passenger aircraft flying than ever. In 2005, there were more than 11 million departures for U.S. air carriers alone – this is equivalent to approximately 31 thousand daily departures.


A budget terminal for budget airlines

16 June 2006 | By Foo Sek Min, Director, Airport Management, Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore

Low Cost Carriers may be a familiar sight at airports in the US and Europe but in Asia they are an emerging trend, with competition just starting to heat up. Airports that traditionally served hub-and-spoke carriers are now having to re-think how to cater to different needs.


Profiling runways

16 June 2006 | By Marc Stet, member of the CROW Airport Study Group on PCN and the Study Group on Runway Roughness

Aircraft computer simulation is effective in identifying and assessing aircraft response to pavement roughness, as Marc Stet explains. The responsibility for runway roughness lies with each individual airport operating authority. ICAO’s Annex 14 contains only very general information regarding airfield pavement roughness.


The changing face of travel documentation

16 June 2006 | By Joel F. Shaw, Convenor of the International Standards Organization (ISO) Working Group responsible for Machine Readable Travel Documents (MRTDs)

The introduction of the new biometrically enabled Passport, or ePassport as it has become known, is well under way across the world. Joel F. Shaw explains why Face Biometric was selected as the global standard.


Moving towards sustainability

16 June 2006 | By Ian Jopson, NATS ATM Environment Manager and Chair, Sustainable Aviation Working Group

NATS is the driving force behind a worldwide initiative to explore the contribution made by the air traffic control industry to sustainable aviation...


Asia’s emerging airport cities

16 June 2006 | By Dr. John D. Kasarda, Director, Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise, University of North Carolina

Demand, competition and opportunity in Asia are stimulating airport evolution and the emergence of the Aerotropolis. In this article, John Kasarda traces the development of the region’s airport cities.


Picking up the pace

16 June 2006 | By Bryan Wilson, Project Director – Electronic Ticketing, IATA

With IATA’s e-ticketing initiative drawing to a close, Bryan Wilson discusses the savings for airlines that convert and the costs for those that fail to.


Towards a quieter future: The Christchurch example

16 June 2006 | By K McAnergney, Manager - Airport Planning, Christchurch International Airport

Summary of an address to the Aviation and Environment Summit 2006 by K McAnergney, Manager - Airport Planning, Christchurch International Airport. Christchurch International Airport Ltd (CIAL) is the Airport that provides the main aviation gateway to the South Island of New Zealand. But where on earth is New Zealand? Comprising…