JOA Scanning Technology

+31 (0)15 2572796


Start-up JOA Scanning Technology develops solutions that significantly improve the speed and quality of the baggage scanning process.

Our patent pending methodology uses the expertise and intuition of experienced security agents to reduce the risk of missing critical security violations in hand baggage (letting it through), and improve the certainty that checked baggage indeed does not contain threats. And it does all of this in a fraction of the time it takes currently.

We use advanced machine learning models in combination with eye-tracking data. Originally developed by TNO – the largest contract research firm in the Netherlands – the method is making use of the operators ‘gaze’, picked up by the eye-tracker, while scanning the security image. Using machine learning models / AI, trained by expects, it instantly recognizes the anomalies picked up by the gaze and classifies the picked-up signal as ‘secure’ or ‘danger’, upon which a further inspection or feedback loop can be done.