
Measures needed to enhance EU aviation and fight unfair competition

Posted: 12 November 2015 | Katie Sadler, Digital Content Producer, International Airport Review

A resolution has been passed by the European Parliament which calls for measures to be put in place to help boost the EU aviation sector and fight unfair competition. The resolution, passed on the 11 November 2015, will be a driving force in the European Commission’s forthcoming aviation package. According to Parliament, ‘To boost the […]

Measures needed to enhance EU aviation and fight unfair competition

A resolution has been passed by the European Parliament which calls for measures to be put in place to help boost the EU aviation sector and fight unfair competition.

Measures needed to enhance EU aviation and fight unfair competition

The resolution, passed on the 11 November 2015, will be a driving force in the European Commission’s forthcoming aviation package. According to Parliament, ‘To boost the EU’s air transport economy, the EU needs to ensure a level playing field, while upholding high safety and social standards.’

To safeguard fair competition in the EU’s external aviation relations and ensure a level playing field for European airlines and airports, comprehensive aviation agreements with the EU’s major trading partners must be negotiated, says Parliament. It expresses concern at the loss of competitiveness of EU airlines and airports “vis-à-vis subsidised third-country carriers and airports”.

Parliament expresses concern at the loss of competitiveness in the EU aviation sector

To be effective in practice, these aviation agreements must include a safeguard clause that defines an offence and the legal consequences of its violation, the resolution says. Parliament also wants the Commission to revise existing rules in order to tackle more effectively unfair practices that distort the market, such as subsidies and state aid awarded to airlines from non-EU countries.

The passed resolution includes a number of initiatives, they include: Speeding up the application of the Single European Sky rules as ‘the existing fragmentation of European airspace is a major burden on European air carriers,’ says Parliament. It also urges them to come forward with a position on clarifying passenger rights rules and on the proposed landing and take-off slots regulation intended to help improve the performance of airports.

The European Parliament also calls for the current level of working conditions and social standards to be maintained ‘The current EU rules on working conditions, standards and practices must be maintained in order to continue attracting highly skilled professionals to the aviation sector,’ the resolution says.

Parliament would also like to see the role of the European Aviation Safety Agency expanded, whereby current rules are revised to ensure that a comprehensive safety management system is set up and entrust the EASA with the safety aspects of EU security measures and of commercial space transport and drones.

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