
In-Depth Focus…Cybersecurity


15 December 2022



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International Airport Review’s In-Depth Focus on cybersecurity is now available to download!

Cybersecurity threats can impact operations and result in significant financial damage for airlines and airports, but it is an area that they are often reluctant to talk about.

It is feared that Cyber-attacks on airport systems and websites, could be just a taste of something larger than ever thought possible – and there are a lot more on the way.

In this in-depth focus we hear from two cyber experts on how airports should look to protect themselves as they advance into this new era of travel.

Articles featured:

  • Airports’ cyber-security post-COVID: Do we feel any symptoms?
    Roni Tidhar, Head of Cyber Security, Israel Airports Authority
  • Airport IoT cybersecurity: Security validation
    Arul Gopi, Senior Manager – IT Network & Security, Bangalore International Airport

Download the free In-Depth Focus now! 

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