
Airport Passenger Flow supplement

Posted: 16 February 2015 |

In this Airport Passenger Flow supplement, ACI Chairman James C Cherry explains how self-service technology is changing the way we travel, and Heikki Koski describes how Helsinki Airport can better understand passenger flow…

Airport Passenger Flow supplement 2015
  • The self-service revolution is over. Long live self-service
    James C Cherry, President and CEO of Aéroports de Montréal and Chairman of the Board of Airports Council International – North America, explains how self-service technology is changing the way we travel…
  • Helsinki airport: Developing the travelling experience through technology
    From arrival, through to check-in, shopping and departure gates, Helsinki Airport wants to make travelling even smoother. Vice President Heikki Koski describes how with the help of the latest technologies, the airport can understand passenger flow better and introduce new services to passengers to help them navigate and find services in its terminals…

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